- Possibility to carry out different technical calculations
- Print or save the results at once
User-friendly calculation options
Practically orientated
- Standardized (according to EN 81-1, EN 81-2, EN 81-21, EN 81-77, EN 81-20, EN 81-50)
- Realisable directly online or
- Alternatively, this programme can be installed on the internal domain and so it can be used in the in-house intranet
- In the menu you can see, which calculations have already been done, if they are valid or generally allowed
- Subsequent to this, all calculations will be comprehensibly summarized and illustrated in an overview
- In case of later changes, all calculations done so far are validated again
- Invalid data is pointed out to the user
Technical Calculations, Tools and additional functions
Get an overview about all our technical calculations, tools and additional functions.
- Car/Cabin
- Lifting Cylinder
- Ropes
- Rope Lifetime Calculation
- Traction Sheaves
- Radial Load
- Pullies/Axles
- Beams
- Guide Rails
- Supports
- Buffer
- Overspeed Governor
- Shaft Sketch
- Rail Plan
- Export (Item List/Force Diagram)
- High Frame
- Tension Weight
- Shaft Calculation
- Profile Calculation (e.g. sheet metal profile)
- Center of Gravity of Car
- Safety Gear
- Bearing Durability
- UCM-A3
- Selection of Counterweight Fillers
- Screw Calculation
Detailed information about our technical calculations
Based on nominal load, car size and number of persons, the car surface is verified. For this calculation the nominal load, car depth and width are to be mentioned. If a value was changed, which is relevant for the calculation, it can be updated per mouse-click. All executed calculations are carried out according to the standards selected in the construction.
Besides the free input of the car size is it also possible to choose from already predefined standard dimensions – depending on the nominal load. An undershot or exceeded valid value will be clearly shown. If the crowded load exceeds the nominal load, dependent calculations will be executed with the crowded load. Corresponding note is displayed. After any kind of changes the shown graphic will be adapted – per mouse-click – to the actual values.
Rope reliability calculation for steel ropes, plastic covered ropes and Polyrope.
After the choice of all relevant data, first of all the weight per meter, the rope weight and the minimal breaking load will be selected from the data base. After them the rope safety as well as the rope safety factor are calculated. The choice of special ropes is also possible. In this case, a link to the certificate including certificate number is displayed. The calculation is carried out automatically according to the requirements of the certificate. The options can be also used to set the validation for TRA200.
For calculating the service life of hoist ropes. All required rope parameters are provided by the database. The expected number of possible trips and the service life in years are output as the results.
Calculation of the driving ability and optionally the surface pressure.
After the determination of all necessary information like traction sheave diameter, rope groove form, undercut and friction values, the traction and surface pressure will be calculated per mouse-click. All intermediate results are shown as well. In the case of a special cable, this calculation will also be made according to the certificate specifications. Here we have different options. Surface pressure can also be checked against by TRA200.
Calculation of the axles and bearing durability.
In CompuLift the pulley data is determined depending on the driving system ( rope, rope hydraulic system, hydraulics ). It is also possible to add or remove pulleys. Additionally to a free input the user has an ample manufacturer database at his disposal, where he can choose predefined pulleys as well. Corresponding to this, the bearing and axle data can be defined and after that the available axle load can be calculated.
Calculation of the pulley carriers or general carriers for deflection and permissible bending stress.
First of all the user has the possibility to define one or more beams. After determination of bearing and force effects, the results will be displayed graphically and in tabular form.
Input: forces, moments, distributed loads
After definition of all desired supports and individual selection of the load case ( flexible, partially attached, flexible and fixed, fixed ) per support, all results will be calculated automatically. In this case, the user will be supported with already predefined database shapes which make the input easy.
The calculation of guide rails is distinguishes between car rails and counterweight rails ( if available ). As guideline serve the selected standard. CompuLift makes a difference between „catching“, „driving“, „loading“ and „pipe rupture“ ( at hydraulic driving ), which can be calculated individually. The impact factor depends on the adjustments for the type of load and safety gear and is generated automatically. Here too, the choice of the guide rails occurs by means of predefined profile data. Moreover the programme gives you the possibility to define the flange bending for roller guides ( point load ) and slide guides ( line load ). It is also possible to enter an additional load (M) on the rails. In the case of „ driving „ can also been calculate additionally according the standard EN 81-77 ( earthquake ).
Based on already known system data, CompuLift finds out all load data automatically. Only the manufacturer and type are determined by the user. From this selection, the program then creates a list of all valid buffers from which the user can choose comfortably.
Equivalent to the guide rail calculations there are distinguished similarly two groups, the car governor and the counterweight governor. Of course the user has, besides a free input, a comprehensive database at his disposal. In addition to this, CompuLift covers all tripping directions (upwards, downwards, in both directions) in this calculation. The clamping force check and the governor rope calculation is also carried out.
This module is a useful tool for generating a shaft sketch. Landing doors can be different from floor to floor. Same landing door types or floors are grouped. In case of a difference because, for example, in the basement a different landing door type should be built, this floor can be shifted in a seperate group. If you cannot find your desired door type, then you have to change the option „product choice“ from „from data bank“ on „free input“. Both the elevator car doors, as well as with the landing doors there is additional mass are needed to be able to provide sensible graphics. Graphic functions: Increasing or reducing, measuring, zooming.
With the railplan you can detect collisions between connectors and binders before installing the rails. Various measures and distances ( such as the length of the bottommost rail ) can be easily changed until you get a correct construction. The results can be printed.
The item list gives you an overview of already calculated components and their most important properties. Moreover you can add or change attributes as you like. Finally you can save it in a PDF-file or in a SYLK-file. A SYLK-file can be imported in Microsoft Excel.
Detailed information about our tools
Here you can choose whether the axial distance will be calculated and the wrap angle is known or the axial distance is known and you want to have the wrap angle calculated. According to the selection, the following input group and the results will change. The values for the distance between ropes, traction sheave diameter and pulley diameter are to be entered. Finally the horizontal and vertical axial distance respectively the wrap angle and resultant forces appear. The results depend on the chosen calculation method and will be illustrated in a graphic.
The information you need here are the total weight of the linkage, the lever arm to the tension weight, the lever arm to the middle of the pulley, the pulley diameter and the weight of the tension, the linkage and the pulley. There will appear the reduced tension force and the dynamically generated drawing of the tension force.
The cross-sectional properties are calculated from the shape for sheet metal profiles, dimensions and nominal radius of the outer edge. Used for calculating the beams and buffer supports.
Automatically the data of the previous registered calculation order appear. Here you can have the possibility to adopt these statements or to make an independent shaft calculation. The section modulus, the bending moment, torsional moment and the resulting moment will be calculated and illustrated in a diagram.
Calculation of the center of gravity of car. The center of gravity is determined by using coordinates and weights such as the car, doors, frames and special components. Location and orientation of the coordinate system is freely selectable.
The Bearing Durability tool calculates the life of roller bearings. This depends on the lift configuration and different run shares for certain loads. The elevator configuration calculates the axle load, the rope speed at the respective roller position and determines the bearing type as well as the roller diameter. The run shares must be entered directly in the tool.
This reliably calculates the life of a bearing. This can then be checked with the permissible bearing durability. The tool can be called up directly via the role calculation, or via the navigation under Calculations -> Tools -> Bearing Durability. All stored data is available in overview and in print.
Detailed information about our additional functions
The selection of counterweight fillers is a module which helps you to find the necessary inserts for the counterweight. After prior basic inputs you can choose from the suitable fillers like the actual dimension, the maximum filling hight, also. Actually, the exact weight, the number of the required fillers and the actual fillers height will be calculated.
The primary function of the screw calculation is the safety of the screw connections. An optional number of screws can be obtained and the not required screws can be deleted. Each screw can be denominated individually (e. g. holder safety gear, etc.). The load for each screw will be calculated as well as the shear stress statically (without coefficient of impact) and dynamically (multiplied with the prior calculated coefficient of input). The safety of the screw connection will be calculated as well. Finally the safety will be calculated. If the friction isn’t sufficient, it will be signalized.
Checks the unintended movement of the car in up and down movements of the specified distances.
According to EN 81 lifts must be equipped with a certified protection device to prevent unintended movements of the car away from the stop (UCM – Unintended Car Movement) if the doors are not closed. Our stopping distance calculation serves the validation of the protective device. It must stop the car at certain distance under the following conditions:
- Stopping distance ≤ 1,20m
- Vertical distance between landing sill and lowest part of the car apron ≤ 200mm
- For fencing: Distance between sill and lowest part of the well wall facing the car entrance ≤ 200mm
- Vertical distance from car sill to landing door lintel, or from landing sill to car door lintel ≥ 1,0m
Calculation management
Here is the toolbar. That’s what you need to manage your computation:
1 Set up some order data! That way you always know who to, where to and when your elevator will or should go. There\’s also an option to let your company collegues take a look at and change the complete calculation.
2 Set up a logo for your calculation printout! You can upload up to five images which will be at the head of your printout.
3 Click on the print-button to open a dialogue where you can chose which calculation of components you want to print and what language it should be (for foreign customers). After you\’ve done these settings your whole project will be viewable in a print-ready status.
4 After some projects were done you maybe want to open and change an old one again. No problem ! Just save the one you are working on and open the project you want to take a look at again.